As the new cable network upgrade completes in more areas, access to the new maximum potential upload speeds of 100Mbps will be available. This will only be for Cable 300, Cable 750, and Cable 1000 offerings as directed by the CRTC (Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission). Eventually the Cable 300 Service, Cable 750 Service, and Cable 1000 Service will have maximum potential upload speeds of 100Mbps as Internet Lightspeed gains access to the required upgraded portions of the Shaw network that we utilize for the delivery of our Cable Internet Services. Customers that do have a modem that uses the required DOCSIS 3.1 technology will be able to take advantage of this new potential speeds.
The current approved modems are listed at this link::
Approved 100mbps Upload Modems
Customers currently signing up are purchasing the packages as they are advertised on the website. The asterisked information does not indicate that they will receive, nor are they currently paying for, the new potential 100Mbps maximum upload speeds. What it indicates is that only these plans do have the potential for the future upload enhancements. While Internet Lightspeed has full intentions of making this upgraded upload speed limits a free/no cost upgrade when it becomes available at a customer’s location we cannot guarantee this will be the case. There is always a potential for various factors that can may require anything from a one-time fee to a pricing increase for the monthly subscription plan. Only the future knows for certain what the CRTC may mandate eventually.
We understand that there has been a lot of misunderstandings and confusion as the changing landscape of this upgrade to services is still evolving. It has never been Internet Lightspeed’s intent to mislead, misrepresent nor acquire customers through false claims. While we still do not have a complete understanding yet of how, where and when the new service levels will come into effect, please be assured we always strive to provide our customers the fastest most stable service possible as we have for over 26 years.